Bio EN


A woman of ideas, and a woman of action, Phylomène Zangio is well-known for her community involvement, her commitment to equality for women and to professional and social inclusion for men and women immigrating to New Brunswick.

She was the 2015 winner of the Black Excellence Award for outstanding influence and leadership.

Phylomène was the first co-chair of the consensus-building forum Voice of New Brunswick Women, and has served on the Board of the following organizations:

  • Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick,
  • Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick,
  • National Coalition of Provincial and Territorial Advisory Councils on the Status of Women,
  • Community Advisory Board on Mental Health of the Vitalité Health Network.

She was an active participant in creating a support Centre for francophone immigrants in Southeastern New Brunswick (CAFI). She was also active in the parent support committees in Moncton’s Champlain, Mascaret and Odyssée schools. She has been participating in ArtsNB’s commission for diversity.

Thoughout the years, Phylomène has held positions at the Réseau de santé Vitalité, l’Université de Moncton, the Centre régional d’apprentissage pour adultes francophones du Sud-Est (Community Adult Learning) and has worked one year in Burkina Faso with the  Union nationale des étuveuses de riz (women rice parboilers).

A basketball mom, Phylomène has been living in Moncton for three decades and speaks six languages. She was candidate in the Moncton municipal elections in 2016 and in the provincial elections in 2020.

Être femme noire au Nouveau-Brunswick : point aveugle du féminisme

Radio-Canada: Le multilinguisme rétabli au CA de l’Association multiculturelle de Moncton

Radio-Canada: Un conseil d’administration anglophone pour MAGMA, organisme bilingue

Acadie Nouvelle: Un Conseil des personnes d’ascendance africaine voit le jour à Moncton

Acadie Nouvelle: L’histoire des noirs du Nouveau-Brunswick laissée dans l’ombre

Phylomène Zangio de l’U de M siégera au forum de concertation Les voix des femmes du Nouveau-Brunswick

Des leaders noirs qui façonnent les communautés francophones et acadiennes